Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 171

knees tight and the legs touching each other at the knees, ankles, heels
and big toes. (Plate 77)

  1. Exhale, extend the right arm towards the left foot. Twist the right
    forearm and the right wrist so that the right thumb points to the floor
    and the right little finger points up. Then with the right hand hold the
    outer side of the left foot. Take a breath.

3· Now, exhale, extend the left arm over the right forearm keeping the
left wrist up. Twist the left forearm and the left wrist so that the left
thumb points to the floor and the left little finger points up. Hold the
outer side of the right foot (Plate 1 63) and take a breath.

4· Exhale, twist the trunk about^90 degrees to the left by bending and
widening the elbows. (Plate 164.) Take a breath. Exhale again, move
the head between the arms and look up. The back portion of the upper
right arm near the armpit will rest across the left knee. Try and rest
the right side ribs on the left thigh. (Front view: Plate r6s. Back view:
Plate r66.) Due to the lateral twist of the trunk, breathing will be fast.
Hold the pose for about 20 seconds.

s. Inhale, release the hands and move the trunk back to its original posi­
tion. (Plate I 63)

  1. Now twist the trunk totherightandrepeatthe pose for the same length
    of time, following the technique given above, but substituting the word
    'left' for the word 'right' and the word 'right' for the word 'left'.


This invigorating posture tones the abdominal organs and keeps them

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