Yogiisanas, Bandha and Kriya 173
gonad glands absorb the required nutrition from the blood. This in
creases vitality, helps to cure impotency and promotes sex control.
- Urdhva Mukha PaschimottO.niisana I Ten* (Plate 168)
Urdhva (upwards) and Mukha (face, mouth) when used together mean
having the face upwards. Paschimottanasana is the intense posterior
- Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. (Plate 77)
- Flex the knees and bring the feet closer to the buttocks.
3· Catch the toes with the hands, exhale and stretch the legs up in the
air, straighten them at the knees, pull the knee-caps towards the thighs
and balance on the buttocks, keeping the spine as concave as you can.
This position is called: - Ubhaya Padangu�fhiisana Three* (Plate 167)
(Ubhaya =both, padangu�!ha =big toe)
To stan with one rolls over backwards to the floor, and it takes some
time and practice to learn to balance on the buttocks alone. Stay in the
pose from 30 to 6o seconds with normal breathing.