174 Light on Yoga
4· After securing the balance, release the toes and hold the heels.
5· When this becomes easy, interlock the fingers behind the extended
feet and balance. Then without disturbing the position of the legs, move
the head and trunk nearer to them, stretch the neck up and with an
exhalation rest the forehead on the knees. (Plate 168.) Now stretch the
legs up to the full extent and also the spine. Hold the pose for about
30 seconds with normal breathing.
- Inhale, release the hands, bend the legs, rest them on the floor and
- Urdhva Mukha Paschimouiina.sana I I Ten* (Plate 170)
I. Lie flat on the floor or carpet and place the hands straight over the
head. (Plate 276)
- Stretch the legs straight, tighten the knees and take a few deep
3· Exhale and slowly raise the legs together and bring them over the