Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 179

  1. Repeat the pose on the right side, pulling the right foot towards
    the right ear and raising it up vertically near the right ear, while keep­
    ing the left leg straight on the floor. Do not relax the hand grip of the
    toes. Maintain the position on both sides for an equal length of time.
    Then release the hands and relax.

The practice of this posture makes the leg muscles very flexible. The
abdominal muscles are contracted and this helps to move the bowels.
Minor deformities in the hip joints are adjusted. The lower portion of
the spine is exercised. The pose is full of grace. It should be practised
until it comes effortlessly and gives the appearance of a trained archer
discharging arrows from his bow.

74· Scdamba Sir�asana I Four* (Plates 184,^185 and 190)
Salamba means with support. Slrsa means the head. This is the head
stand pose, one of the most important Yogic asanas. It is the basic
posture. It has several variations, which are described later as the
Slr�asana cycle. Its mastery gives one balance and poise, both physic­
ally and mentally. The technique of doing it is given at length in two
parts; the first is for beginners, the second for those who can remain
�alanced in the pose. Attention is specially directed to the hints on
Sfrsasana given after the two techniques.

Technique for beginners

  1. Spread a blanket fourfold on the floor and kneel near it.

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