1 8o Light on Yoga
- Rest the forearms on the centre of the blanket. While doing so take
care that the distance between the elbows on the floor is not wider
than the shoulders.
3· Interlock the fingers right up to the finger-tips (Plate 176), so that the
palms form a cup. Place the sides of the palms near the little fingers on
the blanket. While going up on to your head or balancing, the fingers
should be kept tightly locked. If they are left loose, the weight of the
body falls on them and the arms ache. So remember to lock them well.
4· Rest the crown of the head only on the blanket, so that the back
of the head touches the palms which are cupped. (Plate 177.) Do not
rest the forehead nor the back but only the crown of the head on the
blanket. To do this move the knees towards the head.
5· After securing the head position, raise the knees from the floor by
moving the toes closer to the head. (Plate 178)