Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

182 Light on Yoga

  1. Exhale, take a gentle swing from the floor and lift the legs off the
    ground with bent knees. (Plate 179.) Take the swing in such a way
    that both feet leave the floor simultaneously. When once this position
    is secured, follow the various stages of the leg movements as in Plates
    180, 181, 182 and 183, step by step.


  1. Stretch the legs and stand on the head, keeping the whole body
    perpendicular to the floor. (Front view: Plate 184. Back view: Plate
    185. Side view: Plate 190)

  2. After staying in the final position to capacity, from one to five
    minutes, flex the knees and slide down to the floor in the reverse order
    as in Plates 183, 182, 181, 180, 179, 178 and 177.

9· A beginner must have the assistance of a friend or do the asana
against a wall. While practising against a wall, the distance between
it and the head should not be more than 2 or 3 inches. If the distance
is greater, the spine will curve and the stomach will protrude. Tr.�
weight of the body will be felt on the elbows and the position of the
head may change. The face will appear to be flushed and the eyes
either strained or puffed. It is, therefore, advisable for a beginner to
do the head stand in a corner where two walls meet, placing the head
some 2 to 3 inches from either wall.

  1. While doing the head stand against a wall or in a corner, the
    beginner should exhale, swing the legs up, support the hips against
    the side of the wall and move the feet up. In a corner, he can touch
    the heels tv either side of the walls. He should then stretch the back
    vertically up, gradually leave the support of the wall and learn to

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