I^86 Light on Yoga
- Exhale, move the legs up as in Plate r89, and then pull them up
to the vertical position. (Side view : Plate 190.) Stay in this pose from
I to 5 minutes while breathing evenly.
189 190
- Come down gradually, observing the above technique in a reverse
order. (Plates r89, I88, I87 and r86.) Rest the feet on the floor, bend
the knees and raise the head from the floor or blanket.
- While coming down, it is advisable to stay in Ordhva Da��asana
according to capacity up to one minute while breathing normally. In
this position, the neck and trunk will not be perpendicular to the floor
but will sway slightly backwards. The neck, shoulders and spine will
be put to a very great strain and in the initial stages one cannot stay
with the legs parallel to the floor for more than a few seconds. The
stay will become longer as the neck, shoulders, abdomen and spine
become stronger.
Hinrs on Szrsasana.
r. In Sir�asana the balance alone is not important. One has to watch
from moment to moment and find out the subtle adjustments. When
we stand on our feet, we need no extra effort, strength or attention,
for the position is natural. Yet the correct method of standing affects
our bearing and carriage. It is, therefore, necessary to master the correct
method as pointed out in the note on Ta�as
ma. In Sir�asana also,
the correct position should be mastered, as a faulty posture in this asana
will lead to pains in the head, neck and back.