Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

188 Light on Yoga

5· As to the position of the trunk, the dorsal region should be pushed
forward as well as up. The lumbar (waist) and pelvic regions should
not be pushed forward, while the trunk from the shoulders to the
pelvis should be kept perpendicular. If the pelvic area juts forward, it
means that you are bearing the weight of the body not on the head
alone but also on the elbows for you have not stretched the dorsal
region (the chest) correctly. When viewed from the side, the body from
the neck to the heels should appear straight.

  1. As far as possible try and join the thighs, knees, ankles and toes.
    Stretch the legs fully, especially the back of the knees and thighs. If
    the legs swing back tighten the knees and the lower median portion
    of the abdomen above the pubes. This will keep the legs perpendicular.
    Keep the toes pointing up. If the legs swing forward, stretch the
    dorsal region and push the pelvic area slightly back until it is in line
    with the shoulders. The body will then feel light and the pose will be

7· While going up or holding the head stand the eyes should never
become bloodshot. If they do, the pose is faulty.1

  1. The time limit for S!r�asana depends upon individual capacity and
    the time at one's disposal. One can hold it comfortably from 10 to 15
    minutes. A beginner can do it for 2 minutes and go up to 5 minutes.
    It is always difficult for a beginner to balance for one minute, but once
    he succeeds he can be sure that from then on he will be able to master
    S!rsasana. soon.

9· While going up or coming down, move both legs together, inch by
inch. All the movements should be done with exhalation. Inhale while
waiting in a position. The effect of going down and coming up straight
without bending the legs at the knees is that harmonious slow move­
ment is gained and the flow of blood to the head is controlled. The
face does not flush from jerky and fast movements, as the flow of blood
to the waist and the legs is also controlled. Then there is no danger
of losing balance from giddiness or numbness of the feet when one
stands up immediately after the head balance. In course of time the
whole movement of going up, staying and coming down should become
as effortless as possible. In a perfect Sfr �asana your body feels completely
stretched and at the same time you experience a feeling of complete
1 I have taught this pose to a lady of 65 who was suffering from glaucoma.
Now she finds the eyes are completely rested and the pain in them is much
lessened. Medical examination revealed that the tension in the eyeballs had
decreased. I am mentioning this to prove the value of the correct head stand.

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