190 Light on Yoga
pleasures like the enjoyment of food and drink, and the thrills and
pleasures of sex. •
Regular practice of Sfr�asana makes healthy pure blood flow through
the brain cells. This rejuvenates them so that thinking power increases
and thoughts become clearer. The asana is a tonic for people whose
brains tire quickly. It ensures a proper blood supply to the pituitary and
pineal glands in the brain. Our growth, health and vitality depend on the
proper fu nctioning of these two glands.
People suffering from loss of sleep, memory and vitality have re
covered by the regular and correct practice of this asana and have
become fountains of energy. The lungs gain the power to resist any
climate and stand up to any work, which relieves one from colds, coughs,
tonsillitis, halitosis (foul breath) and palpitations. It keeps the body
warm. Coupled with Sarvangasana movements (Plates 234 to 271), it is
a boon • to people suffering from constipation. Regular practice of
Sfr�asana will show marked improvement in the haemoglobin content
of the blood..
It is not advisable to start with Sfr�asana and Sarvangasana when one
suffers from high or low blood pressure.
Regular and precise practice of S'ir�asana develops the body, dis
ciplines the mind and widens the horizons of the spirit. One becomes
balanced and self-reliant in pain and pleasure, loss and gain, shame and
fame and defeat and victory.
- The Sir�iisana Cy cle
In Sfrsasana. there is a variety of movements. which can be practised at
one stretch after staying in Salamba Sfr�asana I (Plate r 84) for not less
than 5 minutes according to one's capacity. One may practise for 5 to
15 minutes and then perform these various movements for 20 to 30
seconds on each side at a time.
- SG.lamba Sir�G.sana II Five* (Plate 192)
Te chnique
- Spread a blanket fourfold on the floor and kneel near it.
- Place the right palm on the floor just outside the right knee, and the
left palm just outside the left knee. The palms should be parallel to each
other and the fingers should point straight towards the head. The dis
tance between the palms on the floor should not be wider than the width
of the shoulders.
3· Move the knees towards the head and place the crown on the centre
of the blanket.