Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 193
- Press the wrists and palms down firmly, exhale, raise the feet from
the floor, lift the legs up to a perpendicular position and balance. Do
not widen the elbows, but try and bring them as close as possible. (Plate
5· Balance in this position for a minute with normal breathing and
then exhale and gently lower the legs to the floor.
- After learning to balance in this variation of Sirsasana, try to bring
the hands as near to each other as possible until the sides of the palms
and the little fingers touch each other. (Front view: Plate 194. Side
view: Plate r 95.) Also learn to go up and come down, keeping the legs
straight without bending at the knees. (Plates 196 and 197.) This varia
tion of STr�asana will give firmness and confidence in balance.
(^194 195)
- Baddha Hasta Sfr�iisana Four* (Plate 198)
Baddha means bound, caught, restrained. Hasta means hand. This is a
variation of the head stand.
- Spread a blanket fourfold on the floor, and kneel near it.