Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

196 Light on Yoga

  1. Bend the trunk forward and rest the crown of the head on the

3· Stretch the arms straight out in front of the chest towards the feet
and rest the back of the wrists on the floor. Keep the arms straight
at the elbows with the palms up. The distance between the wrists
should be the same as that between the shoulders.

4· Raise the trunk until it is perpendicular to the floor. Press the
wrists gently against the floor, exhale and raise the feet. (Plate 199.)
Tighten the legs and slowly raise them up until they are perpendicular.
(Side view: Plate 200)

199 200

5· Stay in the pose for a minute with normal breathing. Keep the arms
straight, stretch the elbows and extend the shoulders as high as possible
from the floor, without disturbing the position of the wrists. (Front
view: Plate 201)

  1. Exhale, swing the hips slightly back and tiring the legs down to the
    floor gradually, with the weight of the body thrown slightly on the

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