Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya (^197)
7· Then lift the head up from the floor, sit down and relax.
Note. Once mastery over the variations of S'ir�asana is secured, It IS
possible to change the position of the hands while balancing on the
head only. One need not then come down again to change the position
of the hands. One should learn this gradually, otherwise one is apt to
strain the neck and shoulders.
8o. Par5va Si"r�asana Eight* (Plates 202 and 203)
Parsva means side or flank. In this variation of Sir�asana, the trunk
and legs are turned sideways on either side while balancing without
disturbing the position of the head or hands.
r. From the straight Salamba S'ir�asana I (Plate 184), exhale and move
the spine with a twist to the right; except the head and the hands turn
the body sideways. (Front view: Plate 202. Back view: Plate 203)
- The legs and navel should face sideways 90 degrees to their original
positions as in the illustrations. One should feel the stretch near the
region of the floating ribs.