Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

I 98 Light on Yoga

(^202 203)
3· Hold the pose from 20 to 30 seconds with normal breathing.
4· Exhale, come back to the straight Salamba Si'rsasana I. Take a breath,
exhale and repeat the pose on the left side for the same length of time.
Exhale and come to the straight position of Salamba Si'r�asana I.
This asana makes the spine strong and elastic.

  1. Parivrttaikapada Sir�asana Ten* (Plates 205, 206 and 207)
    Parivrtta means revolved, turned round. Eka means one and pada the
    leg. In this variation of Si'r�asana, the legs are spread apart and the trunk
    and legs are then turned sideways on either side, while maintaining the
    balance without disturbing the position of the head or the hands.

Te chnique
I. After completing Parsva Slr�asana (Plate 202), spread the legs apart,
move the right leg forward and the left leg back evenly. (Plate 204.)
Then exhale, twist the spine to the left so that the legs move sideways
clockwise through 90 degrees. (Side view: Plate 205)
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