Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Y og asanas, Bandha and Kriya^205

(^215 216)

  1. Pinqiisana in Sir� as ana Six* (Plate 21 8)

Pin<;Ja means an embryo. From Padmasana in the head stand (Plate 21 I),
the hips are flexed and the legs are lowered to touch the armpits.

Te chnique
r. Do Padmasana in Sir�asana as described above. (Plate 21 r.) Exhale,
flex the hips (Plate 217) and take two breaths. Again with an exhalation
lower the legs till they touch the arms near the armpits. (Plate 21 8)

  1. Stay in this position from 20 to 30 seconds with normal breathing.

} Inhale, go back to Urdhva Padmasana, uncross the legs and stay in
Si"r�asana for some time. Then cross the legs the other way and repeat
the pose.
4· Relax the crossed legs one by one, stretch them back to S!r�asana and
then lower them gradually and straight to the floor with an exhalation.

This pose has the same effects as the earlier one. Further the abdominal
organs are toned by contraction and an additional supply of blood.

  1. Salamba Sarvangasana I Two* (Plates 223, 224 and 234)
    Alamba means a prop, a support and sa together with or accompanied
    by. Salamba, therefore, means supported or propped up. Sarvanga
    (Sarva =all, whole, entire, complete; anga =limb or body) means the

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