Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 219

first on the floor, follow the interlock, finger by finger, and stretch out
the arms for the same length of time. This will lead to harmonious
development and elasticity of both the shoulders, elbows and wrists.


IO. In the beginning interlocking will be difficult. By gradual practice
of the above mentioned positions, you will interlock the fingers easily.

I I. In the beginning it is also difficult to keep the toes firmly on the
floor behind the head. If you lengthen the timing and stretch of
Sarvangasana I (Plate 223) before going into Halasana, the toes will
remain longer on the floor.

I2. Remain in the attainable pose from one to five minutes with normal

1 3· Release the hands. Raise the legs up to Sarvangasana I and
gradually slide down to the floor. Lie flat on the back and relax.

The effect of Halas ana is the same as that of Sarvangasana I. (Plate
223.) In addition, the abdominal organs are rejuvenated due to con­
traction. The spine receives an extra supply of blood due to the
forward bend and this helps to relieve backache. Cramps in the hands
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