222 Ligh t on Yoga
- From Kar�ap1dasana (Plate 246), stretch the legs straight and
spread the legs as far apart as you can. - Pull the trunk up and tighten the knees.
3· Hold the right toe with the right hand and the left toe with the
left one. Keep the heels up. After gripping the toes, move the dorsal
region of the spine still further up and extend the hamstring muscles.
(Plates 247 and 248)
4· Stay in the pose from 20 to 30 seconds with normal breathing.
This pose tones the legs and helps to contract the abdominal organs.
94· Par5va Halasana Four* (Plate 249)
In Halasana (Plate 244) both the legs rest behind the head. In this
pose they rest sideways on one side of and in line with the head. This
is the lateral plough pose.