Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya^223

  1. Do Supta Ko�asana (Plate 247) and come back to Halasana.

  2. Place the palms on the back of the ribs. (Plate 240)
    3· Move both the legs as far as you can to the left.

4· Tighten both knees, raise the trunk up with the help of the palms
and stretch the legs. (Plate 249)

5· Remain in this position for half a minute with normal breathing.

  1. Exhale, move the legs to the right until they are in line with the
    head and hold the pose for half a minute. Do not disturb the position
    of the chest and trunk when the legs are moved. The chest and trunk
    should remain as in Sarvangasana or Halasana.


In this asana, the spine moves laterally and becomes more elastic. The
colon, which is inverted during the movements, is exercised properly
and elimination will be complete. People suffering from acute or chronic
constipation which is the mother of several diseases derive great benefit
from this asana. If rubbish is dumped outside our house we feel sick.
How much more so when waste matter which creates toxins is allowed
to accumulate in our own sys tern? If this waste matter is not eliminated,
diseases will enter the body like thieves and rob us of health. If the
bowels do not move freely, the mind becomes dull and one feels heavy
and irritable. This asana helps us to keep the bowels free and thereby
win the prize of health.

95· Eka Pada Sarvcmgiisana Five* (Plate 250)
Eka means one, single. Pada means the foot. In this variation of
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