Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

230 Light on Yoga


3· Exhale, swing the legs back to Sarvangasana (Plate 22 3), slide them
gradually to the floor by removing the hands from the back and rest
on the floor.

Effects of Setu Bandha Sarvangasana and Eka Pada Setu Bandha
These two asanas give the spine a backward movement and remove
the strain on the neck caused by the other various movements of
A healthy and flexible spine indicates a healthy nervous system. If
the nerves are healthy a man is sound in mind and body.

  1. Urdhva Padmasana in Sarvangasana Four* (Plate 261)
    Ordhva means above, high. Padma means a lotus. In this Sarvangasana
    variation, the legs, instead of being kept straight up, are bent at the
    knees and crossed so that the right foot rests on the left thigh and the
    left foot on the right thigh as in the lotus pose. (Plate 104)

r. From Salamba Sarvangasana, bend the legs at the knees and cross
them. First place the right foot over the left thigh, and then the left
foot over the right thigh.

  1. Stretch the crossed legs vertically up, move the knees closer to each
    other and the legs as far back as possible from the pelvic region. (Plate

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