Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

236 Light on Yoga

  1. The knee near the ear will not rest on the floor to start with, but
    only after long practice.
    6. Stay in this position for 20 to 30 seconds, with normal breathing.

7· Exhale, come up from the right side and move the crossed legs over
to the left, so that the left foot will be near the left ear. (Plate 271.)
Stay here also for the same length of time.


  1. Go back to Urdhva Padmasana. (Plate 261.) Release the lotus pose
    by uncrossing the legs and return to Salamba Sarvangasana.

9· Now change the position of the crossed legs. Cross the legs again
by putting the left foot over the right thigh first and then the right foot
over the left thigh instead of the other way as done earlier.
1 o. Repeat the movements again on both the sides as described

Effects of Urdhva Padmasana and Parsva Pincf.asana movements in
The change of crossing the legs brings equal pressure on both sides of
the abdomen and colon and relieves constipation. For those suffering
from chronic constipation a longer stay in Parsva Pin�asana is recom­
mended, and one minute on each side will prove most efficacious.
Griping pain in the stomach is relieved by these poses.
Persons with extremely flexible knees, can easily perform these
positions. It is, however, difficult for many people to cr.oss the legs in
Padmasana. For them a longer stay in Parsva Halasana (Plate 249)-
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