Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 237
(there also the spine and trunk get a lateral twist but the legs remain
straight)-is recommended.
In all these positions breathing at first will be fast and laboured.
Try to maintain normal breathing.
Note. The spine is given the forward, lateral and backward move
ments in these variations of Sarvangasana. In Halasana, Eka Pada
Sarvangasana, Karr;ta Pidasana and Pinc;Iasana the spine moves in the
forward direction. In Parsvaika Pada Sarvanga, Parsva Halasana and
Parsva Pindasana the spine moves laterally, as in Parsva Sarvangasana
and in Pariva Ordhva Padmasana. In Setu Bandha and Uttana Padma
Mayiira it is given a backward movement. These movements tone the
spine on all sides and keep it healthy.
It is related that in the Krita Age (the first Age of the Universe)
a host of Danavas (giants and demons) became invincible in battle
under the leadership of Vrtra and scattered the Devas (or Gods) in all
directions. Realising that they could not regain their power until Vrn·a
was destroyed, the gods appeared before their Grandsire, Brahma, the
creator. Brahma instructed them to consult Visnu.. who asked them to
obtain the bones of a sage called Dadhicha, from which to make a
demon-slaying weapon. The gods appeared before the sage and begged
the boon according to Visnu's.. advice. The sage renounced his body for
the benefit of the gods. From the spine of Dadhicha was fashioned
Vajra, the thunderbolt, which Indra the king of the gods hurled and
slew Vrtra..
The story is symbolical. The Danavas represent the tamasic qualities
in men and diseases. The Devas represent health, harmony and peace.
To destroy the tamasic qualities and the diseases due to them and to
enjoy heal�h and happiness, we have to make our spines strong as a
thunderbolt like the spine of Dadhlcha. Then we shall enjoy health,
harmony and happiness in abundance.
- farhara Parivartanasana Five* (Plates 274 and 275)
Ja�hara means the stomach, the belly. Parivartana means turning or roll
ing about, turning round.
I. Lie fiat on the back on the floor. (Plate^21 9)
- Stretch out both arms sideways in line with the shoulders, so that
the body resembles a cross.
3· Exhale, raise both legs together until they are perpendicular to the
floor. They should remain poker stiff, so do not bend them at the knees.
(Plate 272)