Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

240 Light on Yoga


organs are kept in trim. It helps to relieve sprains and catches in the
lower back and the hip region.

  1. Urdhva Prasarita Padasana One* (Plates 276 to 279)
    Urdhva means upright, above, high. Prasarita means extended,
    stretched out. Pada means foot.

I. Lie flat on the back keeping the legs stretched out and tightened
at the knees. Place the hands by the side of the legs. (Plate 219)

  1. Exhale, move the arms over the head and stretch them out straight.
    (Plate 276.) Take two breaths.

3· Exhale, raise the legs up through 30 degrees (Plate 277) and hold
the position for 15 to 20 seconds with normal breathing.

4· Exhale, move the legs up to 6o degrees (Plate 278) and hold for
15 to 20 seconds with normal breathing.
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