242 Light on Yoga
Note. If you cannot do all the three positions at one stretch, do them
in 3 steps, resting between each.
This asana is a wonderful exercise for reducing fat round the abdomen.
It strengthens the lumbar region of the back, tones the abdominal
organs, and relieves those suffering from gastric trouble and flatulence.
- Chakrasana Four* (Plates 280 to 283)
Chakra means a wheel. In this pose, lie fiat on the floor, lift both legs,
raise them straight up together and bring them over the head to
Halasana. (Plate 239.) Place the hands by the ears and roll over the
head. This rolling over resembles the movement of a wheel, hence the
- Lie fiat on the back on the floor. (Plate 21 9)
- Exhale, raise both the legs together and bring them over the head
and rest the toes on the floor as in Halasana. (Plate 239.) Take 2 or 3
3· Move the hands over the head, bend the elbows and place the
palms down beside the shoulders, the fingers pointing away from the
feet. (Plate 280)
4· Exhale, press the palms on the floor and stretch the legs further to
raise the back of the neck and roll over the head as in Plates 281, 282
and 283.