Yogiisanas, Bandha and Kriya 245
5· Inhale, move the head and trunk back to the floor and the left leg
back to the perpendicular. (Plate 284.) This completes the first
movement ..
- Exhale, hold the left big toe, bend the left knee and move the
grasped toe towards the right shoulder. Bend the left elbow, stretch
the left arm behind the head and move the head up into the space
between the left forearm and the left shin. (Plate 286.) Take a few
deep breaths.
7· Inhale, move the head back to the floor, bring the left arm in front
of the head and straighten the left arm and leg. Take the left leg
back to the perpendicular, maintaining the toe hold throughout.
(Plate 284.) During this movement also the right leg remains fully
extended on the floor throughout and the right hand rests on the right
thigh. This completes the second movement.
- Exhale, and without disturbing the head and trunk or lifting the
right leg off the floor, move the left arm and leg sideways to the left
down to the floor. (Plate 287.) Do not release the toe hold but bring
the left arm in level with the shoulders on the floor. Stay in this position