Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
246 Light on Yoga

for about (^20) seconds without bending the left leg at the knee. Breathe
9· Now inhale and without bending the left leg at the knee, bring
it back to the perpendicular without releasing the grip on the left big
toe or disturbing the right leg stretched on the floor. (Plate 284)
IO. Exhale, release the toe grip, rest the left leg on the floor beside
the right one and keep the left hand on the left thigh. This completes
the third movement. To start with it is difficult to keep the extended
leg stretched right out on the floor throughout these three movements.
Therefore, ask a friend to keep the leg down by pressing the thigh
just above the knee, or press the foot against a wall.
I I. After completing the three movements on the left side, take a few
deep inhalations and then repeat them on the right, substituting the
word 'left' for the word 'right'.
The legs will develop properly by the practice of this asana. Persons
suffering from sciatica and paralysis of the legs will derive great benefit
from it. The blood is made to circulate in the legs and hips where
the nerves are rejuvenated. The pose removes stiffness in the hip
joints and prevents hernia. It can be practised by both men and
I09. Anantasana Nine* (Plate 290)
Ananta is a name of Visnu and also of Visnu's couch, the serpent
Se�a. According to Hind� mythology, Vi��
sleeps in the primeval
ocean on his couch Sesa, the thousand-headed serpent. In his sleep a
lotus grows from his navel. In that lotus is born the Creator Brahma,
who fashions the world. After the creation, Visnu awakens to reign

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