Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 249
about 45 to 50 degrees from the floor. Raise the arms, join the palms keep them parallel to the legs. (Plate 292.) The arms and the legs
should be kept stiff anq not bent at the elbows or knees. Keep the legs
together at the thighs, knees, ankles and feet.
4· Extend the ribs fully and remain in this pose for half a minute with
normal breathing. The body should be balanced only on the crown of the
head and the buttocks.
5· Exhale, lower the legs and arms to the floor, straighten the neck,
release the head grip, lower the trunk and relax lying flat on the back
on the floor.
The asana gives full expansion to the chestwall and keeps the dorsal
portion of the spine supple and healthy. It tones the neck and back and
regulates the activity of the thyroids by ensuring their supply of healthy
blood. The abdominal muscles are also stretched and strengthened.
II 1. Setu Bandhasana Fourteen* (Plate 296)
Setu means a bridge. Setu bandha means the construction of a bridge.
In this posture, the whole body forms an arch and is supported at one