YogQ.sanas, Bandha and Kriya 251
ground. The whole body now forms a bridge or an arch. One end of it
is supported by the crown of the head and the other end on the feet.
- Hold this position for a few seconds with normal breathing.
- Exhale, unfold the arms and place the hands on the floor, bend the
knees, lower the legs and trunk to the floor, release the head grip,
straighten the neck, lie flat on the back and relax.
The asana strengthens the neck and tones the cervical, dorsal, lumbar
and sacral regions of the spine. The extensor muscles of the back grow
powerful and the hips .are contracted and hardened. The pineal, pitui
tary, thyroid and adrenal glands are bathed in blood and fu nction
I I 2. Bharadvajasana I One* (Plates 297 and 298)
Bharadvaja was the father of Drona, • the military preceptor of the
Kauravas and P�<;iavas, who fought the great war described in the
Mahabharata. This asana is dedicated to Bharadvaja.