Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
252 Light on Yoga

r. Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. (Plate 77)

  1. Flex the knees, move the legs back and bring both feet to the right
    side beside the hip.
    3· Rest the buttocks on the floor, turn the trunk about 45 degrees to the
    left, straighten the right arm and place the right hand on the outer side
    of the left thigh near the left knee. Insert the right hand underneath the
    left knee, the palm touching the floor.

4· Exhale, turn the left arm from the shoulder behind the back, bend
the left elbow and with the left hand clasp the right upper arm above
the right elbow.

5· Turn the neck to the right and gaze over the right shoulder. (Plates
297 and 298)


  1. Hold the position for half a minute with deep breathing.

7· Loosen the hand grip, straighten the legs and repeat the pose on the
other side. Here, bring both the fe et beside the left hip, turn the trunk
to the right, straighten the left arm, place the left palm underneath the
right knee and catch the left upper arm near the elbow with the right
hand from behind the back. Stay there for an equal length of time.

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