Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 253
This simple asana works on the dorsal and lumbar regions of the spine.
People with very stiff backs find the other lateral twisting positions
extremely difficult. This pose helps to make the back supple. People
with arthritis will find it very beneficial.
I I3. Bharadvajasana II Two* (Plates 299 and 300)
I. Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. (Plate 77)
- Bend the left leg at the knee, hold the left foot with the hands and
place it at the root of the right thigh near the pelvis so that the left heel
is kept near the navel. The left leg will then be in the half lotus pose.
3· Bend the right foot at the knee and bring the right foot back and rest
the right heel beside the right hip. The inner side of the right calf will
touch the outer side of the right thigh. Keep both the knees on the floor
near each other.
4· Exhale, turn the left arm from the shoulder behind the back, bend the
left elbow, bring the left hand near the right hip and catch the left foot
with the left hand.
5· Straighterr the right arm, place the right hand on the outer side of the
left thigh near the left knee. Insert the right hand underneath the left
knee, the palm touching the floor and the fingers pointing to the right.
(Plates 299 and 300)
- Hold the left foot tight and turn the trunk to as far to the left as you
can. Turn the neck in either direction and gaze over the shoulder.
7· Stay in the pose from half a minute to a minute with normal or deep
8. Then release the pose and repeat it on the other side for the same
length of time. Here the right foot will be placed at the root of the left
thigh and will be held from behind the back by the right hand. The
left leg will be bent at the knee and the left heel will rest on the floor
beside the left hip. The left hand will be placed underneath the right
knee and the trunk will be twisted as far to the right as possible.
9· After completing the asana on both the sides, stretch out the legs,
straighten the arms and rest.
The knees and shoulders become flexible by the practice of this pose. It