254 Light on Yoga
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is not very effective for people with elastic spinal movements, but the
arthritic will find the pose to be a blessing.
r 14. Marzchyasana Ill Ten* (Plates 303 and 304)
This is one of the sitting lateral twisting postures.
r. Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. (Plate 77)
- Bend the left knee, place the sole and heel of the left foot flat on the
floor. The shin of the left leg should be perpendicular to the floor and
the calf should touch the thigh. Place the left heel near the perineum.
The inner side of the left foot should touch the inner side of the out
stretched right thigh.
3· With an exhalation, turn the spine about 90 degrees to the left, so
that the chest goes beyond the bent left thigh and bring the right arm
over the left thigh. (Plate 301)
4· Place the right shoulder beyond the left knee and stretch the right arm
out fo rwards by turning the spine still more to the left and stretching the
region at the back of the right floating ribs. (Plate 302.) Take two breaths.