Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 257
I 1. Unclasp the hands at the back and turn the trunk back to its original
position. Lower the bent leg and extend it fully on the floor.
- Then repeat the pose on the other side. This time bend the right
knee and place the right fo ot firmly on the floor so that the right heel
touches the perineum and the inner side of the right foot touches the
outstretched left thigh. Turn the trunk about 90 degrees to the right so
that the left armpit touches the bent right knee. With an exhalation,
twist the left arm round the right knee and bring the left hand to the
back of the waist. Then throw the right arm behind the back from the
shoulder and flexing the right elbow, bring the right hand to the left hand
and clasp them. Turn still more to the right and gaze at either the toes
of the outstretched left leg or over the right shoulder. Stay on this side
also for the same length of time. Unclasp the hands, turn the trunk back
to normal, stretch the right leg on the floor and relax.
By the regular practice of this asana, splitting backaches, lumbago and
pains in the hips disappear rapidly. The liver and the spleen are con
tracted and so are toned and cease to be sluggish. The muscles of the
neck gain power. Sprains in the shoulder and displacement of the
shoulder joints are relieved and the shoulder movements become free.
The intestines also benefit from this asana. Its effects will be less on
lean persons, for whom there are better poses described later. It also
helps to reduce the size of the abdomen.
I 15. Marichya.sana IV Eleven* (Plate 305)
This variation combines the movements of Marlchyasana II (Plate I46)
and Marlchyasana III. (Plate 303)
I. Sit on the floor with legs stretched straight in front. (Plate 77)
- Bend the right leg at the knee and place the right foot at the root
of the left thigh. The right heel should press against the navel and the
toes should be stretched and pointing. The right leg is now in half
3· Bend the left leg at the knee, place the sole and heel of the left foot
flat on the floor. Keep the shin perpendicular to the floor so that the
left thigh and the calf touch each other and the left heel touches the
4· With an exhalation, turn the spine about 90 degrees to the left, so
that the right armpit touches the outer side of the left thigh.