Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

258 Light on Yoga

5· Place the right shoulder beyond the left knee and stretch the right
arm forward by turning the spine still more to the left by stretching the
region at the back of the floating ribs. Take a breath.

  1. Exhale, move the right arm round the left knee, bend the right elbow
    and place the right hand at the back of the waist. The left knee is locked
    tightly in the right armpit. Take a breath.

7· Now with a deep exhalation, twist the left arm from the shoulder
behind the back and clasp the right hand behind the back with the left
hand. Stretch the chest and pull up the spine. (Plates 305 and 306)


  1. Remain in this position for 30 seconds. Breathing will be faster.

  2. Release the hands and straighten the legs.
    10. Then repeat the pose on the other side reading 'right' for 'left' and
    vice versa. Stay on both sides for the same length of time. Release the
    hands, straighten the legs and relax.


The pressure of the heel against the navel and the clasping of the hands
behind the back rejuvenates the nerves round the navel. It tones the

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