Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

(^268) Light on Yoga

  1. Exhale, twist the right arm from the shoulder behind the back, bend
    the right elbow and hook the fingers behind the back near the left hip.
    (Plate 325)

  2. Gradually clasp the palms (Plate 326) and when this becomes easy,
    clasp the wrists. (Plates 327, 328 and 329)

  3. Tighten the calf muscles to maintain the balance, twist the spine as
    far to the right as you can and stay in the pose from^30 to 6o seconds
    with normal breathing. Turn the neck and gaze over either shoulder.

  4. Release the hand clasp and repeat the pose on the other side. Here,
    twist the trunk to the left, bring the right arm round the left thigh,
    bend the right elbow and bring the right hand near the right hip. Then
    with an exhalation turn the left arm back from the shoulder, bend the
    left elbow and clasp the right hand with the left behind the back near
    the right hip.

The pose gives strength and elasticity to the ankles. Persons whose work
entails standing for hours will rest their feet in this position. It tones the
spine and makes one agile. The shoulders move freely and grow
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