Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 271
s. Keep the knees near each other and stay in the position from^30 to
6o seconds while trying to maintain normal breathing which at first will
be fast due to the lateral twist.
- Release the grip on the legs, straighten them and then repeat the pose
on the other side, changing the word left to that for right and vice versa.
7· Stay on both sides for the same length oftime and then relax.
The abdominal organs are toned by being contracted on one side and
stretched on the other. Due to the lateral twist of the spine, backaches,
lumbago and pain in the hip joints disappear rapidly. The neck muscles
become more powerful and the shoulder movements become easier. The
prostate and bladder do not become hypertrophied if one practises this
a sana regularly. It helps one to achieve Paripiin}a Mats yendrasana (Plates
336 and 339), where the spine is given the maximum lateral twist.
- Ardha Matsyendrasana III Twenty-two* (Plates 332 and 333)
I. Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. (Plate 77)
- Bend the left knee and place the left foot at the root of the right thigh,
pressing the heel against the navel.
3· Bend the right knee, lift the right leg from the floor and place it by
the outer side of the left thigh. Then the outer side of the right ankle
will touch the outer side of the left thigh on the floor. Take 2 or 3 breaths.