Y ogG.sanas, Bandha and Knya 273
- Release your hold on the right foot, lift it over the left thigh and
stretch the right leg straight. Then release the left leg and stretch it out
9· Repeat the pose on the other side for the same length of time and
This exercises and massages the abdominal organs and keeps them
healthy. It tones the spine and keeps it elastic. It is a preparatory pose
for Paripurna Matsyendrasana. (Plates 336 and 339)
- Paripurr:a Matsyendrasana Thirty-eight* (Plates 336 and 339)
Paripur�a means entire or complete. Matsyendra was one of the
founders of Ha!ha Vidya.
Verse 27 of the Hafha Yoga Pradi"pikii states 'Matsyendrasana in
creases the appetite by fanning the gastric fire and destroys terrible
diseases in the body; when practised it rouses Ku�<;ialinl and makes the
moon steady.'
It is said that the breath in the right nostril is hot and that in the left
one is cold. Therefore, the breath in the right nostril is called the sun
breath and the right na<;ii is referred to as piilgala (of the colour of fire)
and the breath of the left nostril is called the moon breath and the left
na<;ii is called i<;ia. The moon travelling in i<;ia sprinkles its nectar through
the entire system and the sun travelling through piilgala dries out the
whole system, for the human body is regarded as a miniature universe.
It is said that the moon is located at the root of the palate, ever dropping
cool ambrosial nectar that is wasted by feeding the gastric fire. Matsyen
drasana prevents this.
This asana is dedicated to the founder of Ha!ha Vidya Matsyendra.
- Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. (Plate 77)
- Flex the right knee and place the right foot at the root of the left thigh,
the right heel pressing against the navel. Bend the left knee up and
bring it near the chest.
3· Exhale, twist the trunk to the left, and swinging the left arm from
the shoulder catch the right ankle with the left hand from behind the
back. (Plate 334.) Grip the ankle firmly. This is the first stage.
4· Lift the left foot over the right thigh and place it on the floor by the
outer side of the right knee. (Plate 335.) Take a few breaths. This is the
second stage.