Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
27 4 Light on Yoga

(^334 335)
5· Again exhale, turn the trunk to the left to bring the right shoulder
over to the left knee and hold the left foot with the right hand. Turn the
neck to the left, raise the chin and gaze up. (Plate 336.) This is the final
stage of the asana. Stay in this pose from 30 to 6o seconds according to
your capacity. Breathing will be faster due to the pressure on the

  1. First release the hold on the left foot, lift it over the right thigh and
    stretch the left leg straight. Then release the grip on the right ankle,
    stretching the right leg straight and relax.
    7. In this pose the spine is twisted to its utmost limit and so it is easier
    if all movements are done with exhalation.

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