276 Light on Yoga
neck to the right, raise the chin and gaze up. (Plate 339.) This is the final
stage. Hold the pose on this side for the same length of time as on the
- Release the hold on the right foot, lift it over the left thigh and
straighten the right leg. Next release the grip over the left ankle,
straighten the left leg and relax.
This difficult lateral movement tones the spine by supplying the spinal
nerves with a copious supply of blood. It increases gastric activity,
helps to digest food and eliminate toxins. The spine and the abdomen
being kept healthy ensures tranquillity of body and mind. The spine
is given the maximum lateral twist.
- Astavakrasana Thirteen* (Plates^342 and 343)
This asana is dedicated to the sage A�!avakra, the spiritual preceptor
of King Janaka of Mithila, who was the father of Sfta. It is related
that when the sage was in his mother's womb, his father Kagola (or
Kahola) made several mistakes while reciting the Vedas (the sacred
scriptures). Hearing these the unborn sage laughed. The fa ther became
enraged and cursed his son to be born as Astavakra. So it came to
pass that he was born crooked in eight places. These crooks earned
him the name A�!avakra or Eight-Crooks. The sage's father had been
defeated in a philosophical debate by V��i, the court scholar of
Mithila. While yet a boy the sage became a great scholar and avenged
his father's defeat by worsting Vandi.. in argument and becoming the
preceptor of Janaka. Then his father blessed him, his deformity
vanished and he became straight.
The asana is given in two stages.
I. Stand with the feet about 18 inches apart.
- Bend the knees, rest the right palm on the floor between the fe et
and place the left palm on the floor just beyond the left foot.
3· Bring the right leg over the right arm and rest the back of the right
thigh on the back of the right arm just above the elbow. Bring the
left leg forward between the arms but close to the right one. (Plate
4· Exhale and lift both the legs off the floor. Interlock the legs by
placing the left foot upon the right at the ankle (Plate 341) and extend
the legs sideways to the right. (Plate 342.) The right arm will be