(^284) Light on Yoga
7· Lower the head to the floor and then the legs. Place the knees on the
floor by the side of the hands, then lift the hands and relax.
- After mastering this position learn to cross the legs as in
Padmasana (Plate 104) while practising the posture instead of keeping
the legs stretched out straight. This variation is known as: - Padma Mayuriisana Ten* (Plate 355)
This asana tones up the abdominal portion of the body wonder
fully. Due to the pressure of the elbows against the abdominal aorta,
blood circulates properly in the abdominal organs. This improves
digestive power, cures ailments of the stomach and spleen, and pre
vents the accumulation of toxins due to faulty eating habits. Persons
suffering from diabetes will find the pose beneficial. As a peacock
destroys snakes, this asana kills toxins in the body. It also strengthens
the forearms, wrists and elbows.
- Harrzsiisana Ten* (Plate 356)
Ha1psa means a swan. This posture is very similar to Maylirasana
(Plate 354), except that the placing of the hands is different. In
Mayiirasana the little fingers touch and the fingers point to the fe et,
whereas in Ha1psasana the hands are so placed that the thumbs touch
and the fingers point to the head. The posture resembles the plant
balance in modern gymnastics.
- Kneel on the floor with the knees slightly apart.
- Bend forward and place the palms on the floor. The thumbs should
touch and the fingers should point forward.