294 Light on Yoga
5· Remain in this position from^15 to 6o seconds with deep breathing.
- Unfold the p(llms, hold the left ankle with both hands, lower the
left leg to the ground and straighten it. - Repeat the pose on the right side, placing the right leg behind
the neck. The left leg should lie straight on the floor. Keep the pose
on both sides for the same length of time.
By the practice of this posture the neck and the back grow stronger
while the thighs and the hamstring muscles are stretched fully. The
abdominal muscles are contracted and the digestive power increases.
Until one has practised the posture one does not realise the weight
and pressure of the leg which rests on the neck.
Eka Piida Sir�iisana Cy cle
The ' asanas given below can be done in continuation of Eka Pada
Si"r�asana (Plate 371) one after another at a stretch. There is no need
to do them separately.
First, perform the entire cycle of asanas doing Eka Pada Si"r�asana
with one leg placed on the bar:, of the neck. Then rest for a minute or
two and repeat the cycle with the other leg placed on the back of the
neck. These poses are strenuous and require long practice to master.
I 36. Skandasana Sixteen* (Plate 372)
Skanda is the name of Kartikeya, the god of War, whose birth forms
the subject matter of Kumara-sambhava, the epic poem written by
Kalidasa. Once the gods were troubled by the demon Taraka, ' who it
was prophesied could only be destroyed by the son of Siva and
Parvatl, the beautiful daughter of the mountain Himalaya. But the