Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 295
prospect of Siva having a son seemed to the other gods to be very
faint, because he was continually wrapped in meditation after the
death of his wife Sat1. Parvat1, who was the reincarnation of Sat1,
was sent by the gods to wait upon Siva, but though she made many
attempts to win his attention he took no notice of her. Vasanta, the
god of Spring, and Kama, the god of Love, did their best to help
Parvati to win Siva. Kama shot his arrow of desire at him and
disturbed him in his meditation. Siva opened his third eye and by the
flames issuing from it burnt Kama to ashes. In order to win her
husband of a former life, Parvat1 decided to follow Siva in asceticism.
She laid asic;ie her ornaments and became a hermitess on a nearby
peak, and in this guise, Siva, who had already been smitten by Kama's
arrow, noticed and fe ll in love with her. Siva and Parvat
' were
married at a great ceremony, which all the gods attended. Parvati'
gave birth to the war-god Skanda, who when he grew to manhood,
slew the demon Taraka.
Te chnique
r. Do Eka Pada S!r�asana. (Plate 37 1)
- With an exhalation, bend the trunk forward and hold the out
stretched right leg with both hands as in Paschimottanasana (Plate r6o)
and rest the chin on the right knee.
3· Extend the chin to prevent the leg from slipping off.
4· Stay in the pose for about 20 seconds with deep breathing.
- Buddhasana Twenty-two* (Plate 373)
Buddha means enlightened. This asana is a continuation of Skandasana.
(Plate 372)