Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 301

and balance the body on the right leg. (Plate 383.) The left leg lies
across the back of the neck. Try to breathe normally.

4· Hold the posture as long as you can. Since it is difficult to balance,
use the support of a wall or a friend to start with.

I43· Ruchikasana Eighteen* (Plates 384 and 385)
Ruchika was the name of a sage, the grandfather of Bhagavan
Parasurama, the sixth incarnation of Visnu...

I. After completing Durvasasana (Plate 383), exhale, bend the trunk
forward and rest the palms on either side of the right foot. (Plates 384
and 385)

  1. Rest the head on the right knee without allowing the left leg to slip
    from the back of the neck. Then gradually extend the neck until the
    chin touches the right knee, as in U ttanasana. (Plate 48)
    3· Stay in the pose for about I 5 seconds with normal breathing.
    4· Bend the right knee, sit on the floor, release the left leg from the
    back of the neck and relax.

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