Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
306 Light on Yoga



  1. Exhale and release the hand grip behind the back and the leg grip
    behind the neck.

9· Relax on the floor, keeping the legs straight for some time.

IO. Then repeat the pose for the same length of time, first placing the
left leg behind the back of the neck with the right leg under it.

I 1. Loosen the hand and leg grips and relax on the floor.

I 2. Do not cross both legs first and then move them behind the neck.
This will not give the correct feel of the asana. Remember to bring
one leg behind the back of the neck and then the other leg under the
first one. Before resting the legs behind the neck, raise the neck and
dorsal region and also extend the shoulders, so that the latter do not
get wedged between the chest and the legs. This will ensure that the
pose is correct.

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