Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

Yogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 307

In this pose the spine is given a fu ll forward stretch and one feels a
pleasing sensation in the back. It is one of the best front bending
poses. Even the maximum stretch of Paschimottanasana (Plate 160)
does not give the same feeling of right exercise, comfort and rest as
the correct practice of Y oganidrasana.
In the back bending poses the lungs and the abdominal muscles
are given maximum expansion. In this asana the lungs and the ab­
dominal muscles are contracted to the full. In a short time, the practice
of the pose tones the kidneys, liver, spleen, intestines, gall bladder,
prostates and the urine bladder. The abdominal organs will be free
from diseases by continued practice of this pose. It also exercises the
gonads and releases energy and vitality in the system. The nerves will
be rested and energy will be stored in the body for better thinking and
better work. '

  1. Dwi Pada Sir�asana Twenty-four* (Plate 393)
    Dwi Pada ( dwi =two or both; pada =leg or foot) means of both feet. In
    Eka Pada Slrs asana (Plate 371) one leg is placed behind the back of the
    neck. In this §sana both legs are so placed, the hands are folded in front
    of the chest and the body is balanced on a small section of the seat near
    the tail-bone. This is difficult and one is apt to fall backwards. The pose
    is very similar to Yoganidrasana (Plate 391), but here the body is vertical,
    whereas in Yoganidrasana the back rests on the floor.
    I. Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. (Plate 77)

  2. Bend both knees and bring the fe et near the trunk.

3· Exhale, catch the right ankle with both hands, pull the right thigh
up and back, bend the trunk a little forward and place the right leg on
the back of the neck as in Eka Pada Si'r� asana. The back of the right
thigh will then touch the back of the right shoulder. Release the hands
from the ankle and take a few breaths.
4· Exhale, catch the left ankle with the left hand, pull the left thigh up
and back and place the left leg over the right one in the same manner
as described above. Release the hand from the left ankle, but keep the
feet locked at the ankles. Place the hands on the floor by the side of the
hips and balance upright on the portion of the seat near the tail-bone.
(Plate 392.) This requires practice. Try to maintain normal breathing.

5· Lift the hands off the floor, fold them in front of the chest and stay
0alanced in the vertical position for a few seconds or as long as you can
from 10 to 30 seconds. (Plate 393.) This is the final position.

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