314 Light on Yoga
floor and take the legs back about 4 to 5 feet, as in Adho Mukha Svan
asana. (Plate 75)
- Exhale, swing the right leg over the right hand and place the back of
the right thigh on the back of the upper part of the right arm. (Plate 401)
3· Immediately turn the body to the left, place the left arm along the
left thigh and balance. (Plate 402)
4· Tum the left foot sideways and press the sole and heel on the floor.
- Stretch the right leg straight up and take two breaths.
- Exhale, stretch the left arm up vertically from the shoulder and gaze
at the outstretched left hand. (Plate 403)
7· Stay in the pose from 20 to 30 seconds with deep breathing.
- Exhale, release the right leg and come back to position r.
9· Repeat the pose for the same length of time on the other side, follow
ing the technique stated above, reading right for left and left for right.