Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1


Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriya (^3) r 5
This pose strengthens the hands and the abdominal organs and exercises
the thigh muscles.

  1. Bakasana Nine* (Plates 406 and 410)
    Baka means a crane.
    The body in this pose resembles that of a crane wading in a pool of water,
    hence the name.
    The techniques here are given in two different ways, one for beginners
    and the other for advanced pupils.

Te chnique for beginners

  1. Squat on the haunches with the feet together. The soles and heels
    should rest completely on the floor. Raise the seat from the floor and
    balance. (Plate 317)

  2. Widen the knees and move the trunk forward.

  3. Exhale, wrap the arms around the bent legs and rest the palms on
    the floor. (Plate 31 8)

4· Bend the elbows, raise the heels from the floor, move the trunk
further forward and rest the shins on the back of the upper arms near
the armpits. (Plate 404.) Take 2 or 3 breaths.
5· Exhale, swing the body forward and lift the toes off the floor.
(Plate 405)

  1. Stretch the arms straight and balance the entire body on the hands.
    (Plate 406)

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