Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

332 Light on Yoga

4· Balance and take a few breaths. Then exhale and firmly pressing
down both palms to the floor, lift the head off the floor. (Plate 437.)
Then raise the trunk and stretch the neck. (Plate 438.) This is the
final position in which the legs will be in the air almost parallel to
the floor, while due to the twist of the trunk, breathing will be fast.
Balance as long as you can from 10 to 20 seconds. Greater pressure
will be felt on the left shoulder and arm which are apparently free.

5· Bend the ' knees, rest the head on the floor and again go up to
Salamba Sir�asana I I. Rest here for a while and repeat the as ana on
the left side as described above, reading left for right and vice versa.
Here the right thigh will rest on the back of the upper left arm. Stay
for the same length of time on both sides. Go up to Sir�asana again.

  1. To complete the pose, either lower the legs to the floor and relax
    or do Urdhva Dhanurasana (Plate 486) and stand up in Ta�asana.
    (Plate 1.) When one has mastered Vipar1ta Chakrasana (Plates^488
    to 499), this exercise is exhilarating after Urdhva Dhanurasana.

The pose tones the abdominal organs. The colon moves properly and
toxins therein are eliminated. It requires experience to balance with
the legs well stretched. The spine will become more elastic due to the
lateral movement and the neck and arms will become more powerful.

(^1) 59· Eka Piida Koundinyii.. sana I Twenty-three* (Plate 441)
Eka means one. Pada means a leg or foot. KouJ?.9inya is the name of a

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