Y ogasanas, Bandha and Kriya 335
3· The pose is very strenuous and requires persistent effort to master.
Breathing will be fast and hard. Stretch the neck and keep the head
4· Lower the left leg to the floor, remove the right leg from the right
arm and relax for some time.
- Repeat the pose on the other side, this time keeping the left leg
on the back of the upper left arm and the right leg straight behind.
Stay for the same length of time on both sides.
- Advanced pupils may do the pose from Salamba S'ir�asana II
(Plate r 92) by following the technique of Eka Pada Kou�9inyasana I
(Plate 441), but placing one leg on the back of the upper arm of the
same side as in Plate 444 and then lifting the head off the floor, keeping
both legs straight and parallel to the floor.
- Repeat the pose on the other side and then go back to Sfrsasana II
(Plate 192), perform Urdhva Dhanurasana (Plate 486) and
stand in
Ta9asana (Plate 1) or perform Vipar'ita Chakrasana. (Plates^488 to