Y og asanas, Bandha and Kriya 339
- Repeat the asana on the other side for the same length of time,
keeping the left leg stretched straight in front and the bent right leg
back of the upper right arm. (Plate 452) - There are two ways of completing the pose. You can bend the leg
stretched straight in front, then go up to Slr�asana and lower the legs.
Once you have mastered this method you may try the other one. Here
you keep the leg stretched straight in front. Then you bend the elbows,
stretch the bent leg back and keep it straight and parallel to, without
touching, the floor. Keep the whole body and the head off the floor.
You will now be in Eka Pada Koundinyasana II. (Plates 442 and 443.)
Then exhale, rest the head on the floor, bend both legs and go up to
Slr�asana II. Then move into Ordhva Dhanurasana (Plate 486)
followed by Viparlta Chakrasana. (Plates 488 to 499)