Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1
348 Light on Yoga

keeping the right foot in Bhekasana and the left one m Padmasana.
Stay for the same length of time on both sides.

The asana relieves pain, cures stiffness in the legs and keeps the genital
organs healthy. It also tones the spine and improves digestion.

I68. Kandiisana Thirty-nine* (Plates 470, 47I, 47Ia and 47Ib)
Kanda means a bulbous root, a knot. Verses I07 and I I3 in the third
chapter of the H atha Yoga Pradipikii speak of the Kanda as follows:

I07. The Kunc:Ialin'i sleeps above the kanda (the place near the navel
where the na<;IIs unite and separate). It gives Mukti (emancipation) to
the yo gins and bondage to the fools. He who knows her knows Yoga.

I I 3. The Kanda is I 2 inches above the an us and extends 4 inches
both ways. It has been described as round and covered as if with a soft
white piece of cloth. (The word used in the text is vitasti which
means a measure of length equal to 12 'angulas' (a finger's breadth),
the distance between the extended thumb and little finger.)


  1. Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. (Plate 77.)
    Bend the knees, widen the thighs, bring the feet towards the trunk
    until the heels are close to the perineum and keep the knees on the
    floor. The position is similar to Baddhakonasana. (Plate IOI)

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