Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga

(Steven Felgate) #1

358 Light on Yoga

  1. Bend and raise the elbows over the head, and place the palms under
    the shoulders. The distance between the palms should not be wider
    than the shoulders and the fingers should point towards the fe et.

3· Bend and raise the knees, then bring the feet nearer until they touch
the hips. (Plate 479)

4· Exhale, raise the trunk and rest the crown of the head on the floor.
(Plate 480.) Take two breaths.

5· Now exhale, lift the trunk and head and arch the back so that its
weight is taken on the palms and the soles. (Plate 481)

  1. Stretch the arms from the shoulders until the elbows are straight­
    ened, at the same time pulling the thigh muscles up. (Plate 482)

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