Y ogiisanas, Bandha and Kriyii 359
- To get a better stretch, exhale and pull the thigh muscles still
higher by lifting the heels off the floor. Extend the chest, stretch up
the sacral region of the spine until the abdomen is taut as a drum and
then lower the heels to the floor, maintaining the stretch of the spine.
8. Remain in this position from half a minute to a minute, with normal
9· With an exhalation, lower the body to the floor by bending the knees
and elbows.
172a. Ordhva Dhanuriisana II Fifteen* (Plate 486)
Technique (This is for intermediate pupils)
I. Stand erect with the feet one foot apart and the palms on the hips.
- Push the pelvic region slightly forward (Plate 483), exhale and curve
the trunk back so that the weight of the body is fe lt on the thighs and
the toes. (Plate 484)
3· Raise the arms above the head and drop the hands on to the floor.
(Plate 485.) Immediately try to straighten the arms at the elbows and
rest the palms on the floor. (Plate 486.) If the elbows are not stretched
immediately as the palms touch the floor, one is likely to bang the head.